Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I was pleased to find out that Sara in Le Petit Village nominated me for the Liebster Award. I should mention however, that Sara is my daughter so this award has nepotism written all over it!

The Liebster Award comes with the following rules:

1. Thank and link back to the blogger who presented you with the award
Thank you Sara!

2. List 11 random facts about yourself:

1) I could read before I was 4 – I had a lot of older siblings and thought I should be able to do what   they could
2) As a child I always wanted to look like my sister
3) I almost joined the Air Force – and wonder what road my life would have taken if I had done so
4) My favorite job was being a Nanny
5) I wish I could spend more time with my son and daughter
6) I hate gardening
7) Cooking for friends is my ‘night out’
8) I love the variety of experiences that life has afforded me
9) I’m sorry I didn’t pursue a college degree
10) I hate my short fat feet and over-big nose
11) I like living alone

3. Answer the 11 questions you were asked.

1) What movie or TV show do you hate that everyone else loves? Everybody Hates Raymond, I can't understand why it lasted so long. 

2) Where were you when you ate your first Chicken McNugget?

Hawaii, on the way to Australia for a family holiday.

3) Who are you five dream dinner guests (alive or dead) and what would you cook them? 

Chaucer – he had a real job and still had time to write – I love his period of history, 

Mandela – How he has been able to inspire with grace despite the horrors he was subjected to, 
Helen Keller – a true inspiration for ‘getting on with it’, 
Brian Boru – My favorite Irish King, 
Jesus – Who better. 
I would serve Boeuf Bourguignon – a great dish to linger over

4) What is your favorite book or author? 

That’s hard . . . I’ve have so many. My early favorite is ‘Katherine’ by Anya Seton – for me,  it sparked a huge interest in the Plantagenets.

5) What is your favorite tipple? 

Wine . . . Montrachet

6) What's your middle name? 


7) If you were given €4000 for a holiday, where would you go and what would you do? 

I would fly to England, hop the Eurostar to Paris and from there make my way by train to Moscow where I would board the Trans-Siberian Express to Beijing, making stops along the way.

8) What song do you hear, that when you hear it, takes you right back to your childhood/ teenage years? 

Irene Goodnight – my father used to sing that to me – changing Irene to Eileen

9) What's your favorite sport and favorite team? 

I love most sports – particularly: Tennis, Rugby and Basketball. Love the San Antonio Spurs and the season they had. They’ve been such a cohesive unit for so long and have done so without ‘Star’ entitlements.

10)  McDonald's or Burger King? 

Don’t frequent very often, but there are times when you just have to have a McDonald's. I always preferred the Burger King Whopper to the Big Mac, but while in Provence enjoyed the McDonald's Petit Burger – they should market it worldwide

11)  What is your favorite city in the world? 

New York – It’s where I spent my ‘personal’ growth years. To me, it is the complete city; it has the best and worst of everything and it is so easy to get around

4. Write 11 questions for your nominees.

1) Who is your favorite character in history and why?

2) Your least favorite person in History – and why?

3) Given your choice of dream job, what would it be?

4) Who has inspired you most in your life?

5) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

6) What is it that takes you back to your favorite childhood memory?

7) What is your favorite book of all time

8) If you could meet someone (dead-or-alive) who would it be?

9) Favorite childhood memory?

10)  What language would you love to be fluent in?

11)  If you won a 200 million lottery, how would you spend the money?

5. Present/nominate a Liebster blog award to 3-5 other bloggers.
Deborah Lawrenson - author of The Lantern, a book my daughter has told me is a must read
Sophie Moss - author of The Sea Island Trilogy set in my beloved Irish homeland
Juliette Sobanet - author of a series of dreamy romance novels set in Paris 

That was fun! Thanks again Sara!

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